So, I'm sure you all have read on DeviantART about my little escapade with my student house roof that decided to go off flying down the road, but the news on that is that the roofer is coming on Saturday with any luck so it should be fixed by next week!
Anyway, my lectures have recently started up again which means I've had less time to write, but it's been giving me a reason to get out of bed in the morning I guess, which is always a good thing- I'm a lazy blighter at the best of times, and I do love my lectures. Except for Modernism. *shudder* Although I had a rather nice seminar about it today, and my tutor said a rather lovely and poignant thing that I decided to scribble down:
'We have all experienced immortality, for in our dreams we are immortal.'
I'm not sure if he got it from Freud or just worded it himself, but I thought it a rather lovely little phrase. There was another rather beautiful one about writing history too but I seem to have misplaced it...I'll find it again at some point.
Anyway, despite my lack of time for writing I am actually well into a fourth chapter of A Horse Named/Called Ox. I'm hoping to get it done by the weekend so I can edit it and polish it off before sending it out into the wide world for approval! I'm rather liking how it's going at the moment, although I do have more scenes in my head for later parts of the story, so I may scribble them down as drabble for now so I at least have them there to pad out the narrative later on. That's what I tend to do anyway!
Kes language: Drabble
I use the word drabble for any piece of writing that doesn't have much of a point to it; it's not part of a bigger narrative, nor is it a short story in its own right. It sort of stands alone as its own little slice of a life; I like to think of them as scenes in a film that are edited out at the last minute. Most of the time I write drabble to help develop characters and forge bonds between a few of them, so as a result a lot of it is made up on banter and conversations between characters instead of any sort of rich description. I sometimes write drabble and then allude to them in actual narratives too, just to help build a stronger sense of character.
I have a great deal of 'drabble' in my folders, and some of it even I hate, but it's all part of a learning cure and I wouldn't dream of ever getting rid of anything. I used to carry around a notebook with all of this 'drabble' in it, and I like to think of it as the equivalent of a travel sketch pad; you sketch out a scene in a few words and then write it up properly later.
So, seeing as this bog is going to become a considerably regular thing, I want to know what you all want to see from it. Would you like to see drabble? Or character bios from the stories I'm writing at the moment? Or just techniques on how I write and what I do? Let me know, either on here or alternatively on DeviantART :)
That's it for now, seeing as it's 1 in the morning over here. I'll update soon!
Kes xX
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